New Trip Report: La Selva Costa Rica
I’ve uploaded a new trip report for a week-long trip to La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica last July/August: https://www.mammalwatching.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/LaSelvaCostaRica.pdf . Highlights included Silky Anteater, Northern Naked-tailed Armadillo digging up a Bullet Ant nest, and Baird’s Tapir.
I’m months behind on photos, but here’s a new set from CICRA Los Amigos in Peru from December 2018/January 2019: http://www.tremarctos.com/category/new/peru/CICRA/.
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I know this is a very old post, but I am going to Costa Rica this year and most likely to La Selva. So I was naturally berry interested in this trip report. Unfortunately the link doesn’t seem to work anymore. Can you help me by sending me the trip report. Thank you in advance.