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Gelada Baboon


Check out Jon Hall’s report from December 2024 with 20 species including Rufous Sengi, Ammodile and Dibatag.


Check out Jonas Livet & Rūta Vaicekauskaitė’s superb and remarkable report on seeing Yangtze Finless Porpoise and some other great mammals around Nanjing city including Asian Badger, Amur Hedgehog and Raccoon Dog.

Aye aye Daubentonia madagascariensis


Check out Alex Meyer’s mega report: 5  weeks & 130 mammal species across 22 different locations. Highlights included Indri, Aye-aye, Grandidier’s Mongoose, Fossa, Dobson’s Shrew Tenrec, Madagascar Giant Mastiff Bat, Eastern Sucker-footed Bat, Danfoss’s Mouse Lemur, 14 Sportive Lemurs and 8 Sifakas.

Giant Forest Hogs


Check out Jane Kempler’s report of a 2024 trip to Kenay: 3 weeks & 92 species including Maned Rat, Rufous Sengi, Naked Mole-rat and Black-fronted Duiker. Great photos too.

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1 month ago

Giant Root Rat (Tachyoryctes macrocephalus), Bale Mountains, Ethiopia, December 2024

This ridiculous looking rodent is more glove puppet than rat. They can weigh up to 600grams (1.3 lbs) and most of that is down to their enormous head. Endangered from habtat loss they are found only in Ethiopia’s Bale Mountain where they can reach extraordinary densities of 2,600 animals per square kilometre. They are a main prey species of the critically endangered Ethiopian Wolf. Although they spend most of their time underground, the population density is so high that you dont usually have to drive more than 10 minutes through their habitat before spotting one partially emerged from a burrow.

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Giant Root Rat (Tachyoryctes macrocephalus), Bale Mountains, Ethiopia, December 2024

This ridiculous looking rodent is more glove puppet than rat. They can weigh up to 600grams (1.3 lbs) and most of that is down to their enormous head.  Endangered from habtat loss they are found only in Ethiopia’s Bale Mountain where they can reach extraordinary densities of 2,600 animals per square kilometre. They are a main prey species of the critically endangered Ethiopian Wolf. Although they spend most of their time underground, the population density is so high that you dont usually have to drive more than 10 minutes through their habitat before spotting one partially emerged from a burrow.

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1 CommentComment on Facebook

Brilliant. I've been toying with Ethiopia for some time now. Is it worth a trip? Are things relatively stable there now?

3 months ago

Maned - or Crested - Rat (Lophiomys imhausi)
Djibouti, December 2024

This spectacular rat is also spectacularly interesting. The world’s only poisonous rodent, they chew the bark of poisonous trees and then coat their fur in their now poisonous saliva. But they are considerate enough to provide a “toxic - do not eat” warning label via their boldly marked fur. One of several mega mammals we found in Djibouti this month.

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Maned  - or Crested - Rat (Lophiomys imhausi)
Djibouti, December 2024

This spectacular rat is also spectacularly interesting. The world’s only poisonous rodent, they chew the bark of poisonous trees and then coat their fur in their now poisonous saliva. But they are considerate enough to provide a “toxic - do not eat” warning label via their boldly marked fur. One of several mega mammals we found in Djibouti this month. 

#mammalwatching #mammals #landmammals #wildlife#wildlifephotography #naturephotography #wildlifeplanet#wildplanet #discoverwildlife #naturegeography#wildgeography #ourplanetdaily #bbcwildlifepotd #rodentsofinstagram #Djiboutimammalwatching

8 CommentsComment on Facebook

What a great picture of a great mammal!

Incredible... So was this an easy abd practical target? Or just amazing luck?

Most beautiful rat! Is its whole tail furry or does it become hairless?

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6 months ago

September's episode of the mammalwatching podcast just dropped with Charles Foley and I talking to Rod Cassidy who runs world famous Sangha Lodge in the Central African Republic. A true mammalwatching nirvana. Rod talks about the story behind the lodge and some of the spectacular mammals they regularly encounter including huge gatherings of Forest Elephants in Sangha Bai, Lowland Gorillas, pangolins and Bongos. Listen on Spotify, Apple and other podcast platforms or stream it here. ... See MoreSee Less

Septembers episode of the mammalwatching podcast just dropped with Charles Foley and I talking to Rod Cassidy who runs world famous Sangha Lodge in the Central African Republic. A true mammalwatching nirvana. Rod talks about the story behind the lodge and some of the spectacular mammals they regularly encounter including huge gatherings of Forest Elephants in Sangha Bai, Lowland Gorillas, pangolins and Bongos. Listen on Spotify, Apple and other podcast platforms or stream it here.

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Is there currently a habituated gorilla group?

Definitely downloading this one. I am on way to Africa to work on pangolin conservation again so will listen to the podcast when I am on the road!

6 months ago

This looks like a great trip! Chalo Africa are running a cruise along the Congo River from Ouesso in the DRC to Brazzaville in the Congo via Sangha Lodge in the Central African Republic and Cameroun. The itinerary includes the magnificent Sangha Bai; Bonobos in the DRC; and searching for the mega rare Bouvier’s Red Colobus!
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This looks like a great trip! Chalo Africa are running a cruise along the Congo River from Ouesso in the DRC to Brazzaville in the Congo via Sangha Lodge in the Central African Republic and Cameroun. The itinerary includes the magnificent Sangha Bai; Bonobos in the DRC; and searching for the mega rare Bouvier’s Red Colobus!

1 CommentComment on Facebook

What a shame I am too poor to afford that!

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A spectacular Common Sword-nosed Bat (Lonchorhina aurita) from Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, 2025. 

The ridiculously exaggerated noseleaf is the longest of any bat and is thought to help focus the bats’ echolocation as they hunt for insects. This species is rarely encountered, especially in Mexico, and I have been longing to see one for a decade or more. And then we caught nine in one evening - an unexpected and very happy surprise - in dry forest on the edge of a cenote (a natural limestone sinkhole) inside which a colony must be roosting.

#mammalwatching  #mammals #landmammals #wildlife #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #wildlifeplanet #wildplanet #discoverwildlife #naturegeography #wildgeography #ourplanetdaily #bbcwildlifepotd #batsofinstagram #mexicomammalwatching

A spectacular Common Sword-nosed Bat (Lonchorhina aurita) from Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, 2025.

The ridiculously exaggerated noseleaf is the longest of any bat and is thought to help focus the bats’ echolocation as they hunt for insects. This species is rarely encountered, especially in Mexico, and I have been longing to see one for a decade or more. And then we caught nine in one evening - an unexpected and very happy surprise - in dry forest on the edge of a cenote (a natural limestone sinkhole) inside which a colony must be roosting.

#mammalwatching #mammals #landmammals #wildlife #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #wildlifeplanet #wildplanet #discoverwildlife #naturegeography #wildgeography #ourplanetdaily #bbcwildlifepotd #batsofinstagram #mexicomammalwatching

65 7
Eurasian (Siberian) Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris exalbidus), Kyrgyzstan 2009

If the cute but conservative Red Squirrels of Western Europe ever get into cosplay they will be lining up to pose as this punk beauty.

#mammalwatching #mammals #landmammals #wildlife#wildlifephotography #naturephotography #wildlifeplanet#wildplanet #discoverwildlife #naturegeography#wildgeography #ourplanetdaily #bbcwildlifepotd #squirrelsofinstagram #rodentsofinstagram #cosplay #cosplaysquirrel

Eurasian (Siberian) Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris exalbidus), Kyrgyzstan 2009

If the cute but conservative Red Squirrels of Western Europe ever get into cosplay they will be lining up to pose as this punk beauty.

#mammalwatching #mammals #landmammals #wildlife#wildlifephotography #naturephotography #wildlifeplanet#wildplanet #discoverwildlife #naturegeography#wildgeography #ourplanetdaily #bbcwildlifepotd #squirrelsofinstagram #rodentsofinstagram #cosplay #cosplaysquirrel

89 1
Brumback’s Night Monkeys, Aotus brumbacki, Colombia 2020

Night monkeys may well be the world’s ultimate busybody. Active at night these small primates seem to spend all day staring out of their bedroom window to see what is going on. The ultimate stickybeaks!

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Brumback’s Night Monkeys, Aotus brumbacki, Colombia 2020

Night monkeys may well be the world’s ultimate busybody. Active at night these small primates seem to spend all day staring out of their bedroom window to see what is going on. The ultimate stickybeaks!

#mammalwatching #mammals #landmammals #wildlife#wildlifephotography #naturephotography #wildlifeplanet#wildplanet #discoverwildlife #naturegeography#wildgeography #ourplanetdaily #bbcwildlifepotd #primatesofinstagram #noseyneighbor

155 6
Friends with benefits. Dusky Langurs (Trachypithecus obscurus). We enjoy afternoon naps and cuddling. Thailand January 2025

#mammalwatching #mammals #landmammals #wildlife#wildlifephotography #naturephotography #wildlifeplanet#wildplanet #discoverwildlife #naturegeography#wildgeography #ourplanetdaily #bbcwildlifepotd #primatesofinstagram #leafmonkey #friendswithbenefit

Friends with benefits. Dusky Langurs (Trachypithecus obscurus). We enjoy afternoon naps and cuddling. Thailand January 2025

#mammalwatching #mammals #landmammals #wildlife#wildlifephotography #naturephotography #wildlifeplanet#wildplanet #discoverwildlife #naturegeography#wildgeography #ourplanetdaily #bbcwildlifepotd #primatesofinstagram #leafmonkey #friendswithbenefit

110 7
Silver Dik-dik (Madoqua piacentinii), Ogaden, Ethiopia, December 2024.

This tiny antelope, the smallest of the dik-dik species, weighs about as much as a house cat. They are rare, with a population that is probably declining though in fact very little is known about their ecology. The Silver Dik-dik was first described as a species in the late 1970s and was thought only to live in a small section of coastal Somalia until animals were discovered in Ethiopia’s Somali region in 2006. We saw several last month in the same area, close to Ethiopia’s border with Somalilland. A fascinating region with some fabulous wildlife.

#mammalwatching #mammals #landmammals #wildlife#wildlifephotography #naturephotography #wildlifeplanet#wildplanet #discoverwildlife #naturegeography#wildgeography #ourplanetdaily #bbcwildlifepotd #ungulates #ethiopianmammals #hornofafrica

Silver Dik-dik (Madoqua piacentinii), Ogaden, Ethiopia, December 2024.

This tiny antelope, the smallest of the dik-dik species, weighs about as much as a house cat. They are rare, with a population that is probably declining though in fact very little is known about their ecology. The Silver Dik-dik was first described as a species in the late 1970s and was thought only to live in a small section of coastal Somalia until animals were discovered in Ethiopia’s Somali region in 2006. We saw several last month in the same area, close to Ethiopia’s border with Somalilland. A fascinating region with some fabulous wildlife.

#mammalwatching #mammals #landmammals #wildlife#wildlifephotography #naturephotography #wildlifeplanet#wildplanet #discoverwildlife #naturegeography#wildgeography #ourplanetdaily #bbcwildlifepotd #ungulates #ethiopianmammals #hornofafrica

272 8
Black-and-white Snub-nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti), Yunnan December 2024

This large monkey is endemic to the mountains of Yunnan, where they live in massive troops of up to 500 animals and feed primarily on lichen. Though they are endangered they are easy to see in a protected area about 4 hours drive from Lijiang.

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Black-and-white Snub-nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti), Yunnan December 2024

This large monkey is endemic to the mountains of Yunnan, where they live in massive troops of up to 500 animals and feed primarily on lichen. Though they are endangered they are easy to see in a protected area about 4 hours drive from Lijiang.

#mammalwatching #mammals #landmammals #wildlife#wildlifephotography #naturephotography #wildlifeplanet#wildplanet #discoverwildlife #naturegeography#wildgeography #ourplanetdaily #bbcwildlifepotd #primatesofinstagram #Yunnan #ChinaMammalwatching #voldemort

135 0
Indochinese Leopard (Panthera pardus delacouri). Thailand, January 2025. Trip report on

Leopards are now very rare in SE Asia outside of protected areas. And melanistic leopards - the back form of the regular leopard - seem very rare generally. I have seen more than 30 leopards over the years but have never seen a ‘Black Panther”. At least two animals are using the road in Kaeng Krachan National Park at the moment and have become quite unafraid of people. A sign that suggests the park and its visitors are now protecting the wildlife well.

#mammalwatching #mammals #landmammals #wildlife#wildlifephotography #naturephotography #wildlifeplanet#wildplanet #discoverwildlife #naturegeography#wildgeography #ourplanetdaily #bbcwildlifepotd #felids #leopardsofinstagram #mammalwatchingthailand #blackpanther

Indochinese Leopard (Panthera pardus delacouri). Thailand, January 2025. Trip report on

Leopards are now very rare in SE Asia outside of protected areas. And melanistic leopards - the back form of the regular leopard - seem very rare generally. I have seen more than 30 leopards over the years but have never seen a ‘Black Panther”. At least two animals are using the road in Kaeng Krachan National Park at the moment and have become quite unafraid of people. A sign that suggests the park and its visitors are now protecting the wildlife well.

#mammalwatching #mammals #landmammals #wildlife#wildlifephotography #naturephotography #wildlifeplanet#wildplanet #discoverwildlife #naturegeography#wildgeography #ourplanetdaily #bbcwildlifepotd #felids #leopardsofinstagram #mammalwatchingthailand #blackpanther

237 16