Thinking of your next trip?  Here are some mammal-focussed trips that are looking for people to join them.  If you are planning a trip and looking for company, or looking to team up with others somewhere, then please post on the forum or get in touch.

If you are wondering where to go and when to go there, then this discussion might help inspire you. Please add to it.

If you are running a commercial mammalwatching tour then please email me for rates and options.

Anyone can list a trip here. They are not necessarily recommended or approved by, especially if I don’t know the people involved. So please do your own research before signing up: two weeks in a remote camp with someone you don’t get on with will not be fun at all ….

The following trips are looking for people to join.

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Brazil: Jaguars and More with Europe’s Big 5, August 2024

Kashmir for Asiatic Black Bear with Jan Kelchtermans, Augusut 14-27, 2024

Mongolia with Steve Babbs, August 2024

Bonobos in the DRC, September 2024

Paraguayan Chaco (40% discount) with Karina and Andrey, September 2024

Wildlife Tracking in the Peruvian Amazon with Original Nature, September 2024

Tracking Sumatran Tigers and wild Orangutans with Original Nature, September 2024

Bolivia Cat Specialist Tour with Royle Safaris, October 2024

Sichuan with Jon Hall, December 2024 – WAITLIST only

Thailand for Sun Bear with Jan Kelchtermans, new year period, 2024/25

Dzanga-Sangha NP (C.A.R) with Monkey Mad Matt, early 2025

Big India trip – various options to join with Therabu, early 2025

Eurasian Lynxes in Estonia with Starling Tours, Feb 22- March 1, 2025

Endemic Mammals of the Dominican Republic with Royle Safaris, Feb 24-28, 2025

Ghana with Royle Safaris in March 2025

Far North Queensland (Australia) with Eyes on Wildlife, March 2025

Cape York (Australia) with Eyes on Wildlife, June and November 2025

Servals and Caracals in Tanzania with Cat Expeditions, November 2025

Antarctica with Jon Hall, 2026/27 season