New Trip Report: Ghana

Here is a new report on Ghana. Great to see more and more people combining serious birding with serious mammaling (they also racked up over 400 bird species).

Ghana, 2021: Daan Drukker, 2 weeks & 41 species including Common Cusimanse, Gambian Mongoose, Pardine Genet, Pel’s Anomalure and Patas Monkey.




  • Venkat Sankar

    Great report! Some high quality images of rarely-photographed species here. For example, this report contains what I think are the first published photos of the very distinctive Black Hawk Bat.

    • Daan Drukker

      Thanks! I didn’t know that alternative name for Pel’s Pouched Bat, but it’s quite spot on for a name. I was a bit confused myself when trying to identify it due to the seemingly forked tail, but thanks to Nils Bouillard, the identification was still possible, also because we had a good recording. Jacob Fahr was quite happy with the observation too

  • samuel

    Very cool report with plenty of nice sightings and useful information !
    Ghana has always been high in my next trip destinations list over the last few years for bee-eaters and pangolins so it will certainly be very useful

  • astrapia

    Great report, Daan – I wish I’d read it before I went! If our experience is anything to go by, many of the local guides are very confused about the names for squirrel species, so I suspect records in previous trip reports may not be reliable. For example, we were told several times we were watching Slender-tailed Squirrel, but in my opinion these were Forest Giant Squirrels.
    The Mole crocs are surely West African Crocodile Crocodylus suchus?

  • astrapia

    Hi Daan,
    I’m afraid I’m struggling with herp observations from Ghana myself! I think your gecko on 19th November is Hemidactylus mabouia, but otherwise I’m not going to be much use…

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