26-day wildlife trip to Madagascar September/October 2023

26-day wildlife trip to Madagascar September/October 2023

Ruta and me travelled through Madagascar for 26 days from the very end of September well into October 2023. We focused on five main areas: Nosy Be, Ranomafana, Kirindy, Andasibe and Masoala. During our stay, we were able to observe a total of 318 wildlife species, including 78 mammal species, 120 bird species, 15 amphibian species and 51 reptile species. An amazing trip for sure!

Report attached ( with a full illustrated report available at https://www.leszoosdanslemonde.com/about/docs/madagascar_wildlife_report_2023.pdf)

26-day wildlife trip to Madagascar September/October 2023

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  • tomeslice

    Jonas I liked your report – but of the 10000s of pictures you must have of me, you literally picked the one where I look like I urgently have to be put in a mental asylum! So thank you for that ;-P

    I’m looking forward to seeing you guys again in 2024!!

    • jonaslivet

      Sorry about that Tomer! All pictures were very carefully selected to reflect the real nature of our great trip! Thanks again for the shared moments and see you soon indeed.

      • tomeslice

        Lol Jonas!!
        I should have put the picture of you trying to attract a flufftail..
        We’ll save it for your birthday ;-P

  • Ralf B眉rglin

    What a report! I can not remember having read or viewed anything like that on mammalwatching.com. Fantastic! On the other hand: If others follow in your footsteps, I think I will retire and do nothing else, but reading reports on mammalwatching.com 馃槈

    • jonaslivet

      Thanks a lot Ralf! It was a great trip indeed and we enjoyed very much preparing, writing, compiling, drawing and painting the report. 馃檪


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