Asian Golden Cat seen and photoed on three consecutive nights in Tangjiahe
It is very surprising that an Asian Golden Cat was seen on February 2nd, February 3rd and February 4th in Tangjiahe at the same location – just along the main road not far from the Hotel. However, it did not stay at the same location all the time. There were many visitors to Tangjiahe these days, and only one group saw the cat on each night, and when spotlighted, the cat ran away.
Report and photo of February 2nd: https://www.xiaohongshu.com/discovery/item/679fee46000000002903cb73?source=webshare&xhsshare=pc_web&xsec_token=CBovn0FNZhu0YvgUUS0t3LkqKG42cTgWcDuUy4br7mvtQ
Report and photo of February 3rd: https://www.xiaohongshu.com/discovery/item/67a0d7a2000000002602e5d5?source=webshare&xhsshare=pc_web&xsec_token=CBNw0-JQNHcQCtaTd2MSwo-phKrn4AM3JLduxZIzhgxNQ
Report and video of February 4th: https://www.xiaohongshu.com/explore/67a246be0000000018005bad?note_flow_source=wechat&xsec_token=CBfxhkdDqjdnaZoGlUXuH7_nLMwZr-XWO_-lk060JsT8c
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Indicate as required: During the Natural Charm Tangjiahe Winter Camp activity of the North Star, it was discovered that infrared night vision devices were not used (2025.02.02 21:31). Discoverer: Teacher Rice
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Jon Hall
This is crazy. A twitchable Asian Golden Cat. I know there are a few people right now contemplating a quick trip to China!