Identification Help – Unknown Bat (Ghana)
Hi everyone,
I’m hoping there is an expert out there who can help identify this bat from Ghana (West Africa). I found this bat roosting in the shower of our room at the lodge at Ankasa Conservation Area (southwestern Ghana). I’ve looked in various field guides and in iNaturalist but can’t find anything definitive. Any ID help would be greatly appreciated!
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Jon Hall
Why not upload it to inaturalist. The Afribats group there are active and good and will try to give you an ID
Andrew McKinley
Hi Jon,
Thanks for the ID help – it is great to know that it is a Slit Faced Bat. That is a new family for me so I’m glad to verify that. I’ll upload the photo to iNaturalist as you suggested and will label it at the family level. Hopefully someone can help get the species ID.
Andrew McKinley
Hi Jon,
I’ve already heard back from the Afribats group on iNaturalist and they said an ID to species level isn’t possible based solely on the photo. They identified it to the genus level (Nycteris sp.). Thanks!
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Jon Hall
It’s a nycteris (slit faced) species. These are a hard genus to get to species level from photos and there are several species in Ghana. That said it looks quite distinctive so maybe someone can figure out the species. I don’t have access to my books I’m afraid to try.