Mammalwatching Oman 2023

Dear Mammal Watchers,

My name is Nick Peeters and this is my first post on this forum, which I only just got to know.

Last month I traveled to Oman with three friends to enjoy nature here for sixteen days.

In the end it unintentionally turned into a rather fanatical mammal trip, of which I would like to share my report with you via the attached PDF.

Hope you like it. Kind regards, Nick Peeters

Mammalwatching Oman 2023

Post author

Nick Peeters


  • Manul

    Welcome to the mammalwatching community Nick 🙂
    Great first trip report with brilliant sightings!

  • Jon Hall

    What a great report! Oman is becoming a top mammalwatching destination

  • JanEbr

    Wow, some species I had even no idea that you *can* see them in Oman. Now I feel like we did not do very good job mammalwatching there 🙂 Would be nice to hear some more details on the locations of the sightings.

  • JimBo

    Hi Peter, thanks for this very interesting and increbible report !
    I’ll be for the second time in South Oman for Mammals Watching the last week of October and firts week of Novembre.
    I’m very interested by some of your encounters : Blanckford’s Fox, Caracal, Striped Hyaena, WT Mangoose…. May you give me some locations, please ?
    I’ll be pleased to give you up-to-date informations if you visit South of France or some other places I’ve visited (Western Sahara, Andalousia, …).
    Best regards

  • GUY

    Dag Nick
    jouw familienaam klinkt erg Vlaams en hoop dan ook dat je deze taal beheerst
    Wij zijn een wat ouder koppel en waren stomverbaasd van wat je gezien hebt in Oman , ik zou er ook graag heen gaan , hadden jullie een LOKALE gids die we eventueel kunnen contacteren of kan je ons op de een of andere manier helpen met nuttige info
    Mijn vrouw en ik reizen de wereld rond maar zijn voornamelijk op zoek naar zoogdieren
    Alvast bedankt
    Guy Rommens ( Belgie)

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