Cat Expeditions

Area: Global

Type: Tour Operator

Pallas’s Cat (Otocolobus manul) kittens, Mongolia

Cat Expeditions leads ethical wild cat photo tours to destinations around the world, offering exclusive luxury safaris to see and photograph felines. This includes trips to see and photograph Bobcats in California, Jaguars in Brazil, Pumas in Patagonia, Iberian Lynx in Spain, Big Cats in Botswana, Serval and Caracal in Tanzania, Manul in Mongolia, Tigers in India, and the cats of Borneo in Malaysia. More tours are being planned and finalized. Non-photographers are always welcome.

Cat Expeditions was started and is being run by Sebastian Kennerknecht, who is a conservation photographer specialized on wild cats. He has spent over fifteen years photographing most of the world’s wild cats, including some of the more elusive felines like the Borneo bay cat, Andean mountain cat, and African golden cat. Sebastian deeply cares about the well-being of his wild cat subjects and only runs tours where no baiting occurs, and the welfare of the animal comes first.

Conservation is a fundamental aspect of every Cat Expeditions trip. Sometimes that is in direct action, like building rabbit warrens in Spain for the Iberian Lynx, other times it is contributing financially to wild cat projects in the area. As of May 2023, Cat Expeditions has donated 28,000 USD to conservation projects.
Custom tours for wild cats are also possible. Feel free to get in touch with us with any questions!

Flat-headed Cat (Prionailurus planiceps) at night, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia


Manul Safari, 2023: 10 days & 7 species including Pallas’s Cat, Mongolian Gazelle, Corsac Fox and Eurasian Badger.

Bobcats in Marin Country, California, 2022: great pictures from a 4 day trip with other species including Coyote and Tule Elk.

Pumas of Patagonia, 2022: with some spectacular pictures of Pumas hunting Guanaco.

Iberian Lynx Tour, 2022: 7 days & 4 species including some exceptional Iberian Lynx watching.

Manul Safari, 2022: 8 days & 5 species including Mongolian Hamster and Pallas’s Cats.