New Trip Report: Tibet & Sichuan

Here’s a new – and typically thorough – report from Stefan Lithner on his trip to China last October.

Tibetan Plateau & Sichuan, 2016: Stefan Lithner, 24 days & over 50 species including Steppe Polecat, Red Panda, Golden Snub-nosed Monkey and Pallas’s Cat.


1 Comment

  • Anna


    As I see to make the pictures of a Pallas’s cat in Tibet is quite easy. So we can propose that it inhabits it in relatively high density. For me as an investigator of this species any data on Pallas’s cat is interesting. Does somebody of mammal watching community know the specialists working on carnivore and particularly felinae species in China?

    I’ll be also very pleased if you could share data on Pallas’s cat records in the Small Wild Cats of Eurasia Database

    If you have questions to me concerning the species and database don’t hesitate to ask.

    Many thanks and great findings!

    Anna Barashkova

    Pallas’cat Working Group

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