Borneo, clouded leopard quest – join me in Feb 2017?
Hi all
I am looking for one or more people to join me to return to Borneo next year, currently planning for February. Guided by Mike of Adventure Alternative Borneo these guy have had success with that most sought-after of cats, the clouded leopard and this trip is tailored to give us the best chance of success by spending a lot of time on night drives in the forest of Deramakot and Danum Valley. I need one or more companions to join me to be able to make the trip affordable. Happy to room share.
Outline itinerary is:
Days 1-5: Danum and Kawag (3 and 2 nights) – entry point Lahad Datu
airport, meet by AA B driver
Days 6/7: Sukau homestay – breaks up journey between Kawag and Deramakot –
chance for flat headed cat, ground cuckoo, 2 x river cruise per day and a
visit to Gomongtong caves – good area for red leaf monkeys and orangutans
and of course smelly caves and bird nests.
Days 8-14: Deramakot, inc 2 hour night drives each night, extra time pay
cash locally to guide.
Day 15: Depart, private transfer Sandakan or Kota Kinabalu
The itinerary could be done in reverse or chopped and changed depending on others’ interests.
There will be loads of birds and mammals to see. Check out my last Borneo trip report for a taster.http://safaritalk.ne…rneo/?hl=borneo
But what makes this trip extra special is that it’s guided and we’ll do night drives to look for nocturnal mammals and birds!
Here’s a trip report from Deramakot (not mine) http://mammalwatchin… Sabah 2016.pdf
Please let me know if you are interested in joining me, as I am really keen to go!
At the moment I have been offered an opportunity to join a group of five for Deramakot at least between Feb 3 to 7 . Waiting for a price on that. Ideally I want to do two weeks or a little bit longer. If we form our own smaller group that would be ideal.
I’d be super keen on a trip just like that – and we would probably be 2 persons. But unfortunately we are not free to join in Feb 2017. If you or someone else ever plans a similar trip, please let us know as early as you can, and also if this particular trip changes dates. Thank you! I can be messaged at mortenmojo@hotmail.com
jo dale
So looks like this tour is definitely happening! 🙂 we start on 16th Feb at LD and finish in sandakan on the 2nd March. Which means it’s a mid week start. So since I have lots of leave to take, I’ve booked three weeks off total and I am considering extending my stay. That means i could arrive as early as 2330 into kk on the preceding Sunday and depart from kk as late as friday 4th .
Ideas welcome, ideally needs to be doable on my own without hiring a car and reasonably cheap. Obviously I could potentially visit sepilok and RDC when in Sandakan fairly easily so it’s mainly at the start of the tour that I am debating what to do, like return to kinabalu, go island hopping or try poring or lupa masa or eveven catch a flight out to LD and do something there…
I plan do to a trip in Sabah next beginning of April, going to Demarakot and the Kinabatang river (here for Flat headed cat which eluded me on my first trip there) and maybe somewhere else. I expected to drive by myself.
Of course Demarakot is very busy next year. It is why I have planned to do it by the beginning of April. If you are interested to share the expanse you can contact me at: brugiere.dom@sfr.fr -
Elias Sadalla
Hi all,
I reserved my trip from June 22th to July 4th and I will visit Kinabatangan WS/ Sepilok/ Tabin and Danum.
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Hi Jo,
I am currently talking to guys at AA Borneo about a similar trip in April. I probably could do the end of Feb instead. If you like, email me at: ritas25@hotmail.com and we’ll see if we can combine our efforts.