Mammals of Tanzania Part 2

Hi people,

Back in 2012, while studying to be a Biology teacher, my school had the crazy idea to go to Tanzania! While the majority of my fellow students were lazy buggers, I still managed to see quite a few cool mammals!

Both the locations and the mammals depicted therein:

Ngorongoro Crater: (Ellipsen) Waterbuck, Common Zebra, Golden Jackal, Grant’s Gazelle, Hippopotamus, Lion, Olive Baboon, (Serengeti) Thomson’s Gazelle, (Serengeti) White-bearded Wildebeest, Spotted Hyena.

Western Usambara Mountains: Angola Pied Colobus, Lushoto Mountain Squirrel, Western Usambara Two-horned Chameleon.

For part 1 follow this link:

Best regards,

Pieter de Groot Boersma

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Pieter de Groot Boersma

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