Setting up a mammalwatching.com account and subscribing to updates
As regular visitors will know this site was rebuilt in early 2023. There are lots of improvements, including that everyone can now post their own reports without having to wait for me to do it. But I am afraid many people who had signed up for the site to receive email alerts about new posts will need to create a new account. Data privacy laws are a thing I’m told.
You have two options.
If you would like only to receive updates about new posts on the site then click here:https://www.mammalwatching.com/subscribe-to-updates/
You will be set up to get an email every time someone posts a new trip report or community forum message. I know this might turn into a lot of emails so in a few weeks we should have the option of selecting whether you would prefer daily or weekly updates instead. But this will take a bit longer to sort out.
If you would prefer to set up a free account on the site, so you can receive updates AND submit posts then go here: https://www.mammalwatching.com/register/
After creating your new account you need to visit here: https://www.mammalwatching.com/subscribe-to-updates/ to sign up for email notifications if you want them.
Once you have an account you can submit trip reports or ask questions in the community forum. I think it is pretty easy … but here is a short video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMIK5xZ7jmI&t=1s and there is information is here.
You might notice that some people have profile pics. If you want one you should set one up en.gravatar.com using whatever email you use for your account on mammalwatching.
The new site went live in mid-January (2023) and there have been some interesting posts, starting with Venkat’s great Colombia report on January 21. You can see what you might have missed here https://www.mammalwatching.com/community/
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to comment here or write to me at jon@mammalwatching.com
Thank you all for your patience while we get this working
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How do I upload a profile photo?