Setting up a weekly email subscription
Dear all, if you want to receive mammalwatching updates, but prefer to get one summary email a week rather than all posts in real time, then I’ve good news! You can now do just that.
Katy (my misguided daughter who is really a closet mammalwatcher even if she refuses to admit yet) will be sending out a summary each week. To receive this – and only this – you need to visit “subscribe to updates” https://www.mammalwatching.com/subscribe-to-updates and enter your email address etc. Add “weekly” into the keyword search field.
If you are already signed up for email notifications you will want to unsubscribe from your existing all emails subscription. You can do that here https://www.mammalwatching.com/my-subscriptions/ or follow the unsubscribe link at the bottom of a notification email.
In fact if you want even more power over your inbox you can use keywords to sign up to receive only emails about Okapis or Fairy Armadillos or Bush Dogs. Though you might have a long wait for an email.
Hope this works! Let me know …
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