The Weekly Recap
Hello and welcome to this week’s recap!
There have been two different trip reports from Bolivia this past week, and funnily enough both from August. The first was by John Farnborough, who saw species like Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth, Bolivian River Dolphin and Collared Peccary. The other was by Samuel Marlin with Nick’s Adventures Bolivia, and he saw Screaming Hairy Armadillo, Puma, Ocelot and Jaguars among many others!
Next up is Detlef Tibax’s 2 weeks in Brazil, where he saw 27 species such as a Puma, Giant River Otter, Maned Wolf and some surprisingly good-looking birds. The report is also full of useful practical information!
Finally, this report of the Paraguayan Chaco from Karina and Andrey of Wild Chaco Expeditions. They saw another Puma as well as Giant Anteater, Molina’s Hog-nosed Skunk, Woolly False Vampire Bat and 27 other species. It also contains some photos that look like the inspiration for some of The Lion King’s characters, so definitely check it out. My personal favourite is the “old lady tapir” and her knobbly knees.
If you’re looking for an excuse to financially justify your mammal mania, then you’re in luck – Royle Safaris’ Black Friday sale has already started and will go until Monday the 25th. They have trips searching for everything from Snow Leopards to Pygmy Hippos, so enjoy your browse!
Parque Tepuhueico on Chiloe Island are offering 5 day tours looking for the “5 little giants” which include Kodkod and Darwin’s Fox. Or else another option is 1StopBorneo’s brand new custom or set tours looking for species like Binturong, Western Tarsier and Sunda Clouded Leopard. And if none of these trips appeal to you, head over to the join a trip page for more ideas (or just give up. That would probably be more productive.)
This fascinating post is about Robinson’s Mouse Opossum’s bioluminescence, which apparently they shine a bright pink under a black light! If there’s ever a mammal remake of the Barbie movie, I know who’ll be cast as the star.
Steve Babbs is looking for some advice for his annual “not too intense” trip to Bieszczady with his wife. I personally fear he has come to the wrong place, but feel free to give him some tips on where to see Bison and other species in the area if you are rooting for his divorce.
If you’ve ever successfully been spotlighting for Pine Martens then let this poster know. Finally, Milankovic would like some advice on which thermal scope to buy, so give some help here!
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Thanks for reading:)
Cover photo: “Old lady tapir” – Wild Chaco Expeditions report
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