Trip Report – Sumatra & Java Wildlife Exploration – Royle Safaris – September 2023

Royle Safaris ran a mammalwatching small group tour to Sumatra and Java in September 2023. It was for three clients (Ewan Davies, Judy Parrish and Warren Gilson) and the trip would visit the wonderful Gunung Leuser National Park in northern Sumatra and then various locations around West and Central Java.

We spent long hours spotlighting nearly every night and coupled with long days in the forests too we were able to see an impressive 42 species of mammals (with evidence of a further 3 species) including 12 species of primates (Hiller’s and Javan Slow Loris being notable highlights) and some other rarities such as Javan small-toothed palm civet, Javanese flying squirrels, Robinson’s squirrel, Javan mongoose and two species of cat (very difficult in the locations we visited) which were Sunda leopard cat and Marbled cat.

Royle Safaris runs several trips to Indonesia annually and whilst most of these are tailored private tours we do have some group tours for anyone interested please get in touch ( for more info.

Picture courtesy of Allin.

Trip Report – Sumatra & Java Wildlife Exploration – Royle Safaris – September 2023

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