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New Trip Reports: Bolivia
Two new interesting reports from Nicholas McPhee, our man in Bolivia. San Miguelito Jaguar Reserve, 2015: Nicolas McPhee, 7 days & 33 species including Geoffroy’s Cats, T
New Trip Report: Bellavista, Ecuador
Good morning from Xining China, where a 12 hour time difference has given me the jet lag I needed to find time to finish this report before I hit the Tibetan Plateau. I’d wanted
Peru Trip Highlights and RFI on Uakaris
Hi, We returned from a trip to Peru last weekend. We visited three places: Tapiche in the north, Los Amigos Biological Station in the south “near” Puerto Maldonado, and Manu Ro
New Trip Reports: Svalbard and Costa Rica
Hello, we got back from Sumatra on Sunday after an excellent trip with over 60 different species in under 2 weeks. A report will follow soon. Meanwhile, I just added two new report
(Awesome) new trip report: Brazil & Argentina
If anyone is feeling dispirited after a recent unsuccessful mammal trip, then this report, from Phil Telfer, is a reminder of just how good it can get. Brazil & Argentina, 2015
A Mammal Watching Tip in Costa Rica – Bosque Del Cabo Resort
I think the mammal watching community is mostly familiar with Bosque Del Cabo in Costa Rica, partly thanks to Alan Dahl. This is a more upscale resort, not for the budget traveler
Texas, 2014
I spent the 2013 Memorial Day long weekend in Big Bend Texas, catching bats with Loren Ammerman and her students. A year later I was back and once again the great people at the Ang
New Trip Reports: Costa Rica & Panama
Matt and Maureen Hart sent me 2 reports from the end of last year from their trip to Costa Rica and Panama Costa Rica, 2013: Matthew & Maureen Hart, 1 week & 26 species inc
New Trip Report – The Pantanal
Pantanal, 2013: John Pilgrim, 4 days & 20 species including Ocelot, Jaguar, Giant Anteater and Grey Four-eyed Opossum. Jon
Brazil, 2013
Atlantic Rainforest & Southern Pantanal In 2007 I saw a Polaroid of a Giant Armadillo – a Tatu Canastra – pinned to a hotel wall near Canastra National Park. The