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Bobcats in California 2023 – Trip Report
In December of 2023, we led three different Bobcats of California photo tours. Two of these tours were private. One of these trips was our best yet, as we had fifteen different bob
Bobcats in California 2022 – Trip Report
During last years Bobcats of California tour, we broke our record at Cat Expeditions by seeing twelve different bobcats. Our closest cat got to within two meters of us! We saw lots
RFI – Bobcat in Late August early September at Sweetwater Wetlands Tucson
We have had to postpone a trip to Java and Sumatra for the 3rd year, Indonesia at the moment only letting foreign visitors into Bali and at least some of the National Parks e.g. Wa
Bobcat Update, Tucson Arizona
Sweetwater Wetlands is a small urban park off of I-10 in central Tucson. As of January 2022, four different bobcats have overlapping ranges here. Winter seems best; sighting succes
Update on Bobcats in Tucson Arizona
The water treatment marsh in Tucson called Sweetwater Wetlands has historically been a good place for Arizona cotton rat and bobcat. My brother lives in Tucson and as of 04 March 2
SE’n AZ Update (black bear, bobcat, coati, ringtail and report of puma)
Southeastern Arizona update, June 2020 I had a short trip to Arizona to photograph moths and lizards for a book project and thought I would give a quick mammal update. Sites are de
Notes for new Bobcat, Ringtail, and Bat Sites, Southern California
Two new site notes, both minor. Do not make a special trip just hoping to get the target species, but hey, you never know when you will be driving from L.A. to Death Valley (site 1
New Southern California Bobcat Site
Bobcats are easy to see unless you have not seen one yet, and one of the best features of this website is how generous people are with sharing info. For that reason, I wanted to li
update on Central California bobcat site
This site has several times previously featured a bobcat area east of Pinnacles National Park in Central California; this posting updates that site. Basically this still seems a ve