The Weekly Recap
Hello and welcome back to the weekly recap!
Yet again starting off the week are a couple trip reports from my dad, this time from Ethiopia. Clearly the man needs some help.The first is from the Somali region: some highlights were Speke’s Gundi, Dibatag, and a very funny looking Silver Dik-dik. The second is from the Bale Mountains, with Ethiopian Hare, Bale Monkey and Ethiopian Wolf.
The only other trip report posted this week was of Samuel Marlin’s trip to Senegal. Highlights include a very cute and cosy looking Gambian Epauletted Fruit Bat, African Wildcat, Giant Eland and Pale Fox.
There are 4 spots left on a trip to the Pantanal from August 30 to September 10 this year led by Samuel Riley from Miru Adventures. They will be mainly looking for Jaguars, Brazilian Tapirs, Giant Otters and a few more cool species! Check out the post for more details if you are interested in joining.
The newest episode of the Mammalwatching Podcast was released just yesterday! Charles and my dad discuss their recent trip to Ethiopia, and knowing them it will have some entertaining stories, so give it a listen (if you aren’t sick of hearing about it after the two trip reports, that is…). Since I have a life I haven’t actually listened yet – the “life” in question being an episode of another podcast I listen to that also came out yesterday. Not that the choice wasn’t very difficult, of course (that’s what I’m telling my dad anyway).
A new checklist for Chinese mammals has been released! I’m sure filling this in will be the perfect sunday pastime for all of you. Maybe while doing so you can reflect on the Lunar New Year and resolve to give up any vices such as mammalwatching. Just a suggestion…
As always a few mammalwatchers would love some advice. Tomer will be travelling to Sierra Andujar, Spain in April and is wondering if this is a good time to spot Iberian Lynx, and Flemming going to India would like some tips on what to do and where to go. Finally, Jackson Frost travelling to Colombia would love to know where to see species such as Santa Marta White-fronted Capuchin and also if anyone would like to meet up!
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Thanks for reading:)
Cover photo: Silver Dik-dik – Jon Hall
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