Papua New Guinea

I haven’t been to Papua New Guinea yet, but I’ve included community reports from those that have.

Community Reports

Reports from West Papua (Raja Ampat) are on the Indonesia – other page.

Papua New Guinea, 2022: János Oláh, 16 days & 22 species including Grey Dorcopsis, Speckled and Black-tailed Dasyures, Long-fingered Triok, Feather-tailed Possum and Ground Cuscus.

Arfak Mountains, 2017: Marc Thibault’s (mainly birding) report includes a Black Tree Kangaroo and a ring-tailed possum, likely D’Alberti’s Ring-tailed Possum.

Eastern PNG, 2016 : Michael Kessler’s report includes sightings of Grey Forest Wallaby and Common Echimyptera and has some tantalising possible sites for Long-beaked Echidna and Huon’s Tree Kangaroo amongst others.

Central Highlands of PNG, 2010: Steve Anyon-Smith, 2 weeks in Kumul Lodge & 5 species seen including Calaby’s Pademelons and Black-tailed Giant Rats (with several other species living nearby but not seen).

Papua New Guinea, 2009: K. David Bishop, 3 weeks & 10 mammals including a Long-nosed Daysure.

Papua New Guinea, 2001. Steve Anyon-Smith, 3 weeks & a few mammals.

Also See

Black-tailed Giant Rat and more at Kumul Lodge and Echymipera species at Varirata National Park, Oct 2017.


Not a trip report but this website is very welcome. The Mammals of Papua aims “to treat the biological, distributional, conservation and taxonomical aspects of the mammals in the Papuan region, to provide an up-to-date checklist, relate to news concerning mammals throughout the region and eventually providing detailed species accounts of every species encountered in the Papuan region to date”.

First ever photo of a PNG Singing Dog in the Wild? (Dec 2012).

Long-beaked Echidna Study in PNG (June 2009).

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