Svalbard (Spitsbergen)
I have visited Svabard twice. lIn August 2006 I spent 72 hours cruising the north west coast of Spitsbergen, primarily to try to see Walruses, which had eluded me on Baffin Island 2 months earlier. In 2024 I returned for a week’s cruise into the pack ice to the northwest of Sptisbergen primarily in search of Bowhead Whales, Hooded Seals and Harp Seals.

Polar Bear (Ursus maritumus). 2024
I saw Polar Bears, Walruses, Arctic Foxes and Reindeer on both trips.

Juvenile Hooded Seal (Cystophora cristata), 2024
In 2006 the only other seals I saw for sure were Bearded Seals. In 2024 we got all these as well as Ringed, Harped, Harbour and Hooded Seals.

Bearded Seal (Erignathus barbatus), 2024
In 2006 I saw Humpack and Fin Whales. We saw neither species in 2024, but did see Minke Whales, Beluga and 4 Bowheads in the pack ice.

Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus) surface feeding, 2024
Community Reports
Bears and Bowheads, Savarlbard 2024: Jon Hall, 1 week & 12 species including Harp and Hooded Seals and Bowhead Whales.
The Netherlands to Svalbard Cruise, plus Tromso & Varanger; 2024: Valentin Moser, 3 weeks & 33 species including Sei, Sowerby’s Beaked, Northern Bottlenose and Beluga Whales.
Svalbard, 2022: Mark Hows, 2 weeks & 11 species including Harp Seal, Walrus and Polar Bear.
Western Spitsbergen, 2019: Jon Swenson, 4 days & 13 species including Blue, Beluga and Bowhead Whales.
Svalbard, 2019: John Wright, 5 days & 10 species including Arctic Fox, Blue Whale and Walrus. (And an Arctic Aardvark … see comments)
Scotland-Spitsbergen, 2018: Dominique Brugiere, 16 days and 16 species on the cruise including Hooded Seals, Walrus and Bottlenose Whales, plus another 12 species in Scotland.
Svalbard 2017 season: NozoMojo Tours, 46 days & 17 species including Harp and Hooded Seals, Walrus and Polar Bears.
Svalbard, 2017: Lennart Verheuvel, 1 week & 12 species including Blue and Bowhead Whales, Walrus and Polar Bears.
Svalbard 2016 season: NozoMojo Tours, 32 days & 15 species including Harp Seal and Sperm Whale.
Svalbard, 2016: Romain Bocquier, 10 Days on and around Svalbard and 12 species including Harp Seal, Polar Bear and Beluga.
Spitzbergen, 2015: NozoMojo tours, 3 voyages and 14 species including Harp Seal, Hooded Seal, Beluga, Blue Whale, Polar Bears and Walruses.
Spitzbergen, 2015: Stefan Lithner, 1 week & 11 species including Bowhead and Blue Whales, Walrus and Polar Bears.
Spitzbergen, 2014 & 15: Jan Kelchtermans (Europes Big 5). Some great pictures of Bears, Ringed and Bearded Seals and more.
Spitzbergen, 2015: Karl Van Ginderdeure, 2 weeks and some fabulous photo.
Spitzerbergen, 2013: Pieter-Jan D’Hondt’s great photos and account of 5 months in Svalbaard, with species including Narwhal and Polar Bear.
Spitsbergen, 2010: Steve Morgan, 1 week & 8 species including Polar Bears and Belugas.
Spitsbergen, 2008: Indri Tours, 10 days & 11 species including Polar Bears, Walruses and Bowhead Whales.
Russia, Norway and Svalbard, 2007: Coke Smith, 3 weeks in Norway and Svalbard and 20 species including a Sei Whale.
Spitsbergen West Coast, 2006: Jon Hall, 3 days & 7 species including Polar Bears, Walrus and Bearded Seals.
Spitsbergen, 2003: Richard Webb, 10 days & some good mammals including Polar Bears and Walruses.
Also See
Jonas Livet’s pre-cruise expedition manual – very useful info for a trip to Svalbard, July 2024
RFI: Svalbard Cruises, May 2021
Bowhead Whales off on Svalbard, June 2019
European Boat Trips in June (with info on short Spitzbergen cruises).
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