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Melanistic Oncilla in Panama – February 25, 2020
Last February 25 (2020) I saw and photographed what I believe is a melanistic Oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus), in Volcán Barú National Park in west Panama, at 2,250 meters altitude.
Costa Rica 2010 Trip Report
I first bought a guide book for Costa Rica in 1996, but for various reasons that I cannot remember, though which probably had something to do with my ex-wife’s belief that th
South and Central Colombia, 2020
With Cheryl Antonucci, Becky Henshaw, Jon Hall, Martin Royle, Hari Sankar, Venkat Sankar and Ian Thompson. Plus Rob Smith and Claudia Diaz from Wild About Colombia. When I first vi
New Trip Report: Bolivia
Here’s a second report from Janco van Gelderen. I really do need to visit Bolivia it seems! Kaa lya and Amboro, 2019: Janco van Gelderen, 1 week & about 30 species includ
New Trip Report: Costa Rica and Panama
An impressive set of Central American species here. Costa Rica and Panama, 2019: Romain Bocquier, 45 days & 61 species including a Margay, 2 Olingos and Spectral and Northern
Yucatan Peninsula, January 2019
I took a very quick trip south from New York to Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula in January, hot on the heels of Venkat Sankar who was there just after Christmas. I won’t inc
Mexico: Yucatan Peninsula (Jan 2019)
This last-minute 3-night visit with Juan Cruzado Cortes was arranged as a follow-up to a longer trip focusing on the peninsula’s mammals in March 2018. Both of us were less prepa
Searching for the Andean Mountain Cat, November 2018
Although I place myself only half way up the Webb-Telfer scale of cat fanaticism, the Andean Mountain Cat has been on my Top 21 List of Species to See for as long as I can remember
New Trip Report: Paraguay, 2016
Thank you to Richard Webb for sending through this report from Cloudbirders, which is important as much for the details of how to do the Paraguayan Chaco independently, as it is f
New Trip Reports: Yucatan * 2
Happy new year from Cape Town. I hope everyone’s 2017 has gotten off to a good start: has anyone seen any new mammals yet? Both Vladimir Dinets and RIchard Webb were in the Yucat