Check out Andreas Jonsson's ridiculously successful trip which netted 26 mammals in 23 days including Andean Mountain Cat, Garlepp's Pampas Cat, Kodkod, Darwin's Fox and Southern R
Chile – April/May 2024
23 days and 26 species of mammals including Andean mountain cat, Garlepps´pampas cat, Kodkod, Puma and Darwin´s fox. Locations visited: Chiloe island, Torres del Paine, Altiplano
Parque Tepuhueico, Chiloe Island, Chile November 2023
In November 2023 I returned to Chiloe Island, which I’d last visited in 2009. I was en-route to a week’s vacation in Argentina and was able to work remotely from Chiloe
Wanted: Bat researcher in Chile!
Hi all! In February and May my girlfriend will be doing deep sea marine research at the Chilean coast studying the symbiosis between deep sea sponges and bacteria. After her
Southern Chile 2023
An amazing puma encounter, tips on finding tuco tuco and monito del monte, and more
We, Rob Jansen & Romy Jansen-Houtzager, are two enthusiastic nature lovers who travel the world together to search for stunning birds, fascinating mammals and incredible nature
Trip report – Patagonia Oct-Nov 2023
Trip report from a 6 week tour of Chilean and Argentinian Patagonia, including the Carratera Austral, Patagonia NP, Torres del Paine and Peninsula Valdes. 27 mammals, highlights in
The Fauna of Chile’s Lauca National Park and the Arica Coastline
Although I did drive through Lauca many years ago while overlanding it from Bolivia to Arica, I never had the chance to explore this amazing region of the world – until this
Join me? Andean Mountain cat – Chile April 10-17, 2024
Dear mammalwatchers, I am planning a tour to Chile and would really like to try for the Andean Mountain cat in the high Andes of northern Chile. The thing is that the tour below (s
Pumas in Patagonia 2022 – Trip Report
Cat Expeditions led three puma photo tours last year in southern Patagonia. During every tour we saw at least sixteen different individual pumas and some of the encounters where of