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Trip report Estonia 2024 (Eurasian Lynx)
When I wrote my trip report for Bali and Timor-Leste I noticed I still had this half-finished tripreport on my computer so I decided to finish it! This was an enjoyable week in Est
Georgia & Armenia: Eurasian Lynx and Brown Bears April 2022
Mostly a birding report, but I am adding due to the great day time encounter of an Eurasian Lynx and a link to video. Also seen were 4 Brown Bears.
ESTONIA: Eurasian Lynx Quest 2
The second of two successful tours to see Eurasian Lynx with good sightings on both tours. Other mammals included Pine Marten, Racoon Dog, Beaver and Elk.
Eurasian Lynx
I recently had a nice sighting of European Lynx near Basel, Switzerland. It showed itself for about an hour down to 5 meters. For a time, it was hooted at by two Tawny Owls. Unfort
New Trip Report: Eurasian Lynx in Sweden
What to do when the world is in lockdown but Sweden is not? Of course some mammalwatching at home. Here is a first from Sweden: Searching for Lynx in Sweden 2019-2020: Andreas Jons
Twitchable Eurasian Lynx in Estonia
Here is a quick trip report about twitchable Eurasian Lynx in Estonia. Access is through Estonian Nature Tours. A female and up to three cubs should be twitchable for the next fort
Again Eurasian lynxes this spring in Poland
Since three years is active and productive in locating Eurasian lynxes down town Bieszczady; without doubt one of Europe’s most desolate, remote and vast
Marbled Polecat and Eurasian Lynx stake outs in Georgia
An EB5 companion and eco travel agent came across a Marbled Polecat while on a birding trip to the steppes of Georgia. In fact it was the third sighting of a Marbled Polecat by b
Advertising: Watching Lynxes in Estonia, February 2025
Starling Tours have had exceptional success in showing their tour participants Eurasian Lynxes in Estonia over the past few years. Their guide – Mark Kaptein – found 4
Estonia: 12 lynx observations of 6 individuals
For the third year in row (prospection included), we organised several tours for Eurasian lynx in Estonia. Once again we had a succes rate of 100%.