The Weekly Recap
Hello everyone, here is this week’s recap.
The first trip report of the week was from Monterey Bay. Many cute seals, whales (Humpback, Blue and Fin) and even a Mule Deer were spotted.
This report of a Pacarana encounter in Ecuador reads like an action novel. Along with the exciting story of the sighting are some great photos of the mammal looking very unaware of its effect on mammalwatchers’ heart rates.
Another trip report from Colombia is here, full of beautiful photos of loads of cool animals, from frogs to bats to tapirs. My favourites are all of the ones of very grumpy-looking monkeys.
Finally, this trip to Iquitos, Peru includes many types of bat, rat and oppossum.
If you want to join one of these trips, there is someone looking for companions on a Snow Leopard trip to India this October-November with Exotic Travel Ladakh.
On the subject of Snow Leopards, a tour company is wanted here for another trip to Ladakh, this time in February of next year.
A possible Woolly Flying Squirrel sighting in Himachal Pradesh is needing information on distribution to be confirmed, so please comment here if you know anything about it.
Spanish Lynx information is also wanted here – best time of year to see it, and best guide or tour company to use. The same person would also like some advice on the best type of telephoto flash to use in general.
Finally, this study on the efficiency of different types of thermal cameras could be useful for anyone thinking of buying one. I personally am a huge fan of these, as they’ve turned being verbally abused for holding the spotlight too shakily while my dad speeds over potholes into nothing but distant memories…
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Thanks for reading:)
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