The Weekly Recap
Welcome back to the weekly recap!
This week has been a pretty quiet one, with only five new posts going up, three of them being trip reports.
The first was from Sabah, Borneo: 71 species plus some non-identified ones. It is also a perfect report for anyone planning a trip to Borneo as it is full of useful and well-organised information about itinerary, necessary gear, and logistics. Some of the species seen were an Otter Civet, a Large Treeshrew and many different squirrels.
The next trip report is from September last year in Ecuador, and is also super detailed and helpful. Some of the highlights include the Mountain Tapir, Stump-tailed Porcupine and Eastern Pygmy Marmoset.
The last trip report was from a special Manul (Pallas’ Cat) of Mongolia tour! They saw sixteen different Manuls, witnessing some incredible views. There are absolutely gorgeous photos of them too, attempting to look very tough for the camera (but let’s face it, they look like fluffy stuffed toys). My dad has the same problem.
Someone is asking here for any stories of mammal viewings in odd places/places where they aren’t usually found, so comment any such experiences you’ve had! Like the time I saw some type of rodent scurrying the bottom of a Ugandan hole in the ground toilet…did not make for a relaxing pee (even less so when my dad found out only after it was gone).
Finally, someone is in Makassar from today until Friday and is wondering where to see Tarsiers, so let them know!
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Thanks for reading:)
Cover photo: Sebastian Kennerknecht
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