Vote Now for the 2024 NUTTER Awards and Claim Your Place in History
If you have been a part of this community for a while then the N.U.T.T.E.R Awards for Mammalwatching’s most Notable, Unique, Tantalizing, Tenacious and Enlightening Reports need no introduction. They are to mammalwatching what the Nobel Prize is to literature, health, physics and other stuff all far less important than mammalwatching. Last year’s winners are here. I am almost sure it is fair to say the lives of the noble victors were changed immeasurably for the better. I am almost sure.
But if you missed out on chance to vote in 2018 and 2023 then now is your chance to play a part.
Reports published in 2024 were eligible. As the amount of traffic grows on this site, the selection process becomes more difficult. So congratulations to everyone who was nominated in the following categories. Indeed although we tried to keep to just five nominations in each category there were just too many great reports to chose from so we have listed six nominations there.
Once again a big thanks to the team at Project Felis – especially Ruben and Valentin – for all their work organizing this along with those who attended the most recent community meeting where we shortlisted the reports together.
I am pleased to announce that the nominations have closed and the voting can begin. You can vote using this Google poll thing here until 14 February.
We only had five categories this year but plan to introduce two or three new ones next year. If you have suggestions for other award categories please add them at the end of the google poll. Best photography for example was suggested during Saturday’s community meeting.
The nominations are as follows.
Best Trip Report
Very useful report, with some innovative maps showing sightings and habitats.
Another very readable report covering a ton of information from a massive trip.
An incredible amount of species and some nice pictures
Another excellent report from the Jansens with great pictures and a lot of useful information for those wanting to plan their own trip.
Outstanding Guide
For accessing new areas and species to mammalwatching, eg Western Long-beaked Echidna, and applying his pro-league birding skills to finding mammals
Best and Worst Mammalwatching Moment
Charles Foley & Jon Hall – Cote d’Ivoire
Looking the wrong way for the Zebra Duiker (and then the right way for a Liberian Mongoose!)
Daytime sighting of Andean Mountain Cat at close range
Although not that great of a sighting (let’s be fair), seeing the rarest cetacean on the planet deserves at least an honorable mention
Snorkelling with a Blue Whale should be on everyone’s bucket list
Most Inspiring Conservation Project / Person / Place visited
Visiting reserves and projects on a publicity tour
Promoting new eco-tourism areas and maybe finding a new species
For his conservation work across Borneo
For services to Mexican mammals through his constant time in the field
Best First Report
Excellent pictures and useful information for those wanting to travel independently.
A young and very keen mammalwatcher (who is looking for mammals ‘even when he is asleep’ ) on a family trip: nice species and lots of details about the sites
The first of many excellent trip reports
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I can only hope that one day you add a category for quantity 🙂