I haven’t been to Saskatchewan yet but I have included community reports from those that have.
North Carolina
My main goal for the weekend were Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, which seems to be recorded on about 1 in every 3 or 4 trips.
Greenland, 2023: Curtis Hart, a 9 day cruise with 9 species including Arctic Hare, Polar Bears and Musk Ox.
The only mammalwatching I have done in Pennsylvania is to search for Northern Flying Squirrels in higher elevations of the Poconos. I did not find any.
In August 2010 I visited Bryce National Park, primarily to see Utah Pratrie Dogs. They were easy to spot. There is a Prairie Dog town a mile or two after the entrance gate, and it
North Dakota
In July 2019 I spent a night North Dakota mainly so we could say we had been to North Dakota. But I had found some video on youtube of both Northern Flying Squirrels and Prairie Vo
I haven't visited Wisconsin yet, but I've included some resources here. Please submit your trip reports.
I haven't visited Ohio yet, but I've included some resources here. Please submit your trip reports.
Georgia (US State)
In May 2012 I stopped in southern Georgia for a night on my way to a bat catching blitz in Florida. Round-tailed Muskrats are a species which has generated a fair bit of correspon
I love Colorado. I spent a week or so there in 1993 and it is one of my favourite states. Boulder is a great town, and the Rocky Mountain National Park has some of the most spectac