
Black-crested Gibbon, Nomascus concolor
I went to Laos for 3 nights in July 2017. I took my kids to visit the Gibbon Experience, to see some of the last 200 Black-crested Gibbons left in Laos. The Gibbon Experience is built around some spectacular jungle treehouses and a ziplining circuit to access them: it is more of an adventure trip than an eco-tour.

Patrick on the zipline
I left with some safety concerns. I did, however, love the treehouses and we had a fabulous encounter with a troop of gibbons. Other mammals were hard to see, though I saw a Slow Loris from the treehouse, and a few Pallas’s Squirrels. More details are in my 2017 trip report.

Black-crested Gibbon, Nomascus concolor
Community Reports
Cambodia & Laos, 2024: Rob & Remy Jansen, 2 weeks in Laos & 8 species including Laotian Langur, Northern Treeshrew and a possible Phayre’s Flying Squirrel.
Kha-nyou and Laotian Langur, 2023: Royle Safaris, 12 species including Kha-nyou.
Kong Lor Caves, 2019: Stuart Chapman’s report of how to see Lao Langurs and Kha-nyou (aka Laotian Rock Rat).
Cambodia and Laos, 2019: Keith Millar, 19 days & 17 species including Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbon, Indo-Chinese Silvered Langur, Black-shanked Douc and Irrawaddy Dolphins.
The Gibbon Experience, 2017: Jon Hall, 3 nights and 3 mammals including Black-crested Gibbons.
Thailand, Laos, Cambodia & Vietnam, 2016: Royle Safaris, 26 days & 50+ species including Large-toothed Ferret Badger, Northern and Southern Buff-cheeked Gibbons, Pygmy Loris, Fea’s Muntjak and Cat Ba Langur.
Southern Thailand & Laos, 2012: Hugh Buck, 2 days in Laos and 3 Laotian Leaf Monkeys.
Also See
Laotian Langur RFI, November 2023
Site for Spotted Linsang, June 2017
Owston’s Civet on camera traps, March, 2016
The Gibbon Experience, Black Crested Gibbon Watcing in Bokeo Nature Reserve, Northen Laos
Nan Nern Night Safari, August 2014
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