The Weekly Recap
Hello and welcome back to the weekly recap!
The first trip report of the week is another a so-called “family trip” (we all know how I feel about those) to Europe – Corfu, Vienna, Bergamo and Hungary. Thankfully, its redeeming quality is that the author converted to mammalwatching from… wait for it… birdwatching!! The classic gateway drug. At least it is never too late to be saved. It is a great report though, full of cool species from Pipistrelles to a potential Western Broad-toothed Field Mouse and Google Maps links to locations where things were spotted.
Next is Trinidad and Tobago: one week, 6 mammals – including the Silky Anteater!
This report is described as a “fairly normal” trip to Mongolia despite its 29 mammals… I see my family isn’t the only one with a strange definition of normality.
A recent trip to Jumotsangkha Wildlife Sanctuary, Bhutan had some exciting sightings such as Capped Langurs and the Malaysian Giant Squirrel.
Next up is this youtube video of a budding mammalwatcher excited to find their very first mammal in Korea! Watch the video to find out what it is:)
This report shares some information about Reserva Natural Cañada El Carmen in Paraguay. There is lots of useful advice on everything from what time of day is most pleasant (yes, pleasant) for mammalwatching to which species have been recently observed as well as some lovely photos!
An unsual civet has been found in Sabah, Borneo. The report reads like an Agatha Christie novel with a collection of evidence and witness testimonies… Check it out and help solve the mystery. Maybe you can figure out where my dad’s fatherly instincts got to while you’re at it.
The final trip report is from Tanzania back in 2012 and features the Blue Monkey, Black Rhinoceros, Olive Baboon and many more colourful mammals.
The hybrid civet isn’t the only mystery mammal this week, as there is also this Ghanaian bat and these Caspian foxes which need IDing.
A Margay has been released in Serra Bonita, Brazil – it is a good opportunity to see one if you don’t mind counting released mammals on your list.
Finally, this post asks how most mammalwatchers go about logging their sightings, as birdwatchers generally use Ebird. I personally use invisible ink so as never to be caught engaging in such appalling behaviour, but maybe that’s just me.
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Thanks for reading:)
Cover photo: John Weir – mystery civet
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