Mongolia is a fabulous, empty adventure of a country. My 2 weeks here in September 2016 was one of my best ever trips, with 45 species in 15 nights.
I’ve visited Brazil four times. In October 2006 I spent six days in the western Amazon, at the Palmari Lodge. In August 2007 I returned for two and a half weeks and visited Rio C
I have visited Ecuador three times: in August 2012 for a week to see Spectacled Bears and Mountain Tapirs in the Andes, and then to the Napo Valley; and for a long weekend in Septe
Georgia is a spectacularly beautiful country, with great food and friendly people. More importantly it is the best place to see two fabulous mountain goats: the Eastern and Western
I took trips to Bulgaria in 2020 and 2022, focussing on finding two of the country's rarest small mammals: Mouse-tailed Dormouse and Romanian Hamster.
I haven't looked for mammals in Romania yet, but I've included community reports from those that have.
North Carolina
My main goal for the weekend were Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, which seems to be recorded on about 1 in every 3 or 4 trips.
I visited Montenegro briefly for work but didn’t look for mammals there (instead I crossed the border into Bosnia instead to look for Martino’s Snow Voles).
Greenland, 2023: Curtis Hart, a 9 day cruise with 9 species including Arctic Hare, Polar Bears and Musk Ox.
I spent ten days here in July 2021 and loved the country and its mammals.